December 8 – 18, 2016

by Michael Hollinger

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – [November 15, 2016] – Springs Ensemble Theatre (“SET”) ends its seventh season with Opus, the story of world calls string quartet, by Michael Hollinger. After firing their violist, the Lazara Quartet must replace him with someone talented enough to learn Beethoven’s Opus 131 – the Mount Everest of string quartets – in time for their televised performance at the White House.

The members of the Lazara Quartet – Elliot (Taylor Geiman), Alan (SET member Emory John Collinson), and Carl (David Corder) – vote to remove their violist, Dorian (Dana Kjeldsen), when personal and artistic tensions get too high. Pressure is on to find a suitable replacement, which the quartet finds in Grace (Jessica Parnello). She’s got the skills, but she’s also concerned about joining a group with a reputation for volatile emotions. Then, at the moment of the quartet’s greatest triumph, Dorian arrives back on the scene and all of the old arguments culminate in one final, passionate confrontation.

Opus, directed by SET member Jenny Maloney, is the final show of Springs Ensemble Theatre’s season.

Cast and Production Team


Taylor Geiman Elliot
Dana Kjeldsen Dorian
Emory John Collinson Alan
David Corder Carl
Jessica Parnello Grace


Production Team

Emory John Collinson Executive Producer/
Jenny Maloney Co-Producer/Director
Hannah Alden McCullough Co-Producer
Katie Harmon Stage Manager
Jack Salesses Tech Director/Set Designer
Sandy Salesses Set Painting
Brianna G. Pilon Lights Design
Katie Harmon Stage Manager
Matt Radcliffe Costume Design
Taylor Geiman Sound Design
Props Design Jillmarie Peterson
Gabriel Espinoza Lira Board Operation
Anthony Cramer Board Operation
Ambrosia Fees Armstrong Running Crew