Fatherhood Up Close

June 17 – July 4, 2021 (virtual)

Just in time for Father’s Day, Springs Ensemble Theatre (“SET”) explores myriad aspects of fatherhood through a vibrant collection of short scenes, monologues, music, and poems. Featuring original works by local writers, Fatherhood Up Close is at turns hilarious, gut-wrenching, and heartwarming.

These works by Jonathan Andujar, Sabrina Rose Bivens, Steve Emily, A.B. Lugo, Amy Pieri, Roxanne Rankin, Sarah Sheppard Shaver, Sean Verdu, Todd Wallinger, and Dwight E. Watson examine the many facets of the complex relationship between father and child.

SET’s production is co-directed by Matt Radcliffe, Sarah Sheppard Shaver, and Jeremiah Walter. It features performances by SET members Justin Anderson, Emory John Collinson, Max Ferguson, Matt Radcliffe, Sarah Sheppard Shaver, Micah Speirs, and Jeremiah Walter.

It also features performances from guest artists Jonathan Andujar, Jackson Bailey, Jude Bishop, Sol Chavez, Warren Epstein, Tori Higgins, Grant Langdon, A.B. Lugo, Michael Miller, Marcelina Ramirez, Roxanne Rankin, and John Vander Wyst.