Springs Ensemble Theatre (“SET”) opens its eleventh season with Strangers on a Train by Craig Warner, adapted from the classic noir novel by Patricia Highsmith. Two strangers, architect Guy Haines (Max Ferguson) and wealthy Charles Bruno (Emory John Collinson) share a compartment on a train heading south. Sometime during this drunken meeting, a plot is hatched: Bruno will murder Guy’s estranged wife and Guy will rid Bruno of his troublesome father. Perfect murders.
However, they both quickly learn that there is nothing perfect about murder. Bruno and Guy find themselves tied inevitably together. Guy’s new wife, Anne (Anne Stewart), doesn’t understand his strange behavior. His coworkers, Myers (Micah Speirs) and Treacher (Matt Radcliffe) don’t know that they hold keys to the mystery. Bruno’s mother Elsie (Barbara Summerville) wants her son to behave normally. And, of course, perfect murder or not, there’s always a curious investigator, here played by Warren Epstein.
Strangers on a Train, directed by Holly Haverkorn, is the first show of Springs Ensemble Theatre’s eleventh season. Performances will be held February 13—March 1. (Thursdays – Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:00 p.m.) Please note that there is no performance on Sunday, February 16.) Tickets are $20, with $10 student rush tickets available ten minutes before showtime. Seating is limited, so SET recommends making reservations early.