The Gnome in the Room

DECEMBER 7 – 17, 2017

Written by SET’s own Jenny Maloney and Jessica Weaver.

Springs Ensemble Theatre (“SET”) wraps up its eighth season with the hilarious, campy horror story The Gnome in the Room: An Anti-Christmas Christmas Play Involving Decorations, Death, Divorce, Relatives, Mythological Beings Who Can’t Keep Their Noses Out Of Other People’s Business, and a Nintendo Entertainment System. Written by SET members Jessica Weaver and Jenny Maloney, The Gnome in the Room is part of SET’s IndyGive! fundraising efforts.

Ten year old Joel’s family has decided they will not celebrate Christmas this year. His father has left his mother. His uncle is lonely and suicidal. Now he’s stuck in a cabin in the middle of the woods with no hope of getting the brand-spanking new Nintendo Entertainment System he wants.

Sensing the Christmas Spirit is missing in this family, a Weirdo offers Joel a special statue: a Gnome in the Room. But the Gnome and the Weirdo aren’t what they seem. To avoid being turned into gnomes or eternal slaves or being slashed to little bits, the whole family must learn to get along…with the help of a sexy stranger.

Gnome in the Room, directed by SET members Max Ferguson and Jenny Maloney, features the talents of guest artists Bob Morsch, Cyndi Parr, Taylor Geiman, Jonathan Andujar, Alayna Rose Tamez, Emma Colligan, and Nathaniel Bourn as well as SET members Emory John Collinson and Brianna G. Pilon.

Cast and Production Team


Bob Morsch Joel
Cyndi Parr Merry
Emory John Collinson Terry
Taylor Geiman Weirdo
Jonathan Andujar Sexy Delivery Man
Ensemble Alayna Rose Tamez, Nathaniel Bourn, Emma Colligan, Brianna G. Pilon

Production Team

Jessica Weaver Executive Producer
Jenny Maloney Executive Producer/Co-Director
Max Ferguson Co-Producer/Director
Emory John Collinson Co-Producer
Max Ferguson, Brianna G. Pilon, Jenny Maloney SET Design/Build Coordinators
Brianna G. Pilon Lighting Designer
Marie Verdu, Alisha Pagan Costume Designers
Bob Morsch Sound Designer
Carley Crowder Prop Designer
Charles Redding Reindeer Prop Designer
Bob Peloso Fight Choreographer
Cyndi Parr Dance Choreographer