May 3 – 20, 2018

by Jason Wells

Springs Ensemble Theatre continues its ninth season with the dark comedy The North Plan by Jason Wells.

Listen to Matt Radcliffe, Emory John Collinson, and E. Amber Singleton talk with KCME’s Keith Simon about The North Plan.

Ten days ago, a ruthless faction seized power in Washington. Declaring a threat level red emergency, they have started setting up camps outside of the major cities. Carlton Berg, a midlevel state department IT professional, stumbles onto the new regime’s top secret enemies list. Like Edward Snowden, Carlton decides he must smuggle the information out of Washington to a press contact in Houston. He races out of the city with DHS agents Pittman and Lee hot on his trail.  In the small town of Lodus, Missouri – just when he thinks he’s in the clear – Carlton is apprehended by the chief of police during a traffic stop. With time running out, Carlton is getting locked up in a jail cell. His last hope of leaking the enemies list depends on the people around him: the overburdened Police Chief Swenson, Shonda the administrative officer turned prison guard, and his fellow prisoner, Tanya Shepke, a motor-mouth who’s turned herself in for drunk driving and thinks Skynyrd should be on the new money.

The North Plan is directed by SET President Matt Radcliffe. SET Vice-President Emory John Collinson plays Carlton Berg, the state department official trying to leak the enemies list. SET Member E. Amber Singleton plays Tanya, the redneck prisoner. Starring guest artists Desiree Meyers as the administrative officer Shonda and Erick Groskopf as Chief Swenson. SET member Sean Verdu plays agent Dale Pittman. And guest artist Justin Anderson debuts at SET as agent Robert Lee.

Cast and Production Team


Emory John Collinson Carlton Berg
E. Amber Singleton Tanya Shepke
Desiree Meyers Shonda
Erick Groskopf Chief Swenson
Sean Verdu Agent Pittman
Justin Anderson Agent Lee

Production Team

Emory John Collinson Executive Producer
Matt Radcliffe Co-Producer/Director
Anthony Cramer Stage Manager
Carley Crowder Scenic Designer
Karen Holloway Costume Designer
Kitty Robbins Lighting Designer
Taylor Geiman Sound Designer