The Pillowman

October 11 – 28, 2012

by Martin McDonagh

Cast: Lisa Siebert, Tom Auclair, Jeremy Joynt, Micah Spears, Gabby Papa

Producer/Director: Max Ferguson

Co-producer/Board Liaison: Lisa Siebert

Co-Producer/Art Director: Sarah Sheppard Shaver

Stage Manager: Jenna Musick

Set Design/Choreography: June Scott Barfield

Costume Design: Lauren Duggin

Prop Design: Miriam Roth

Sound Design/Special FX: Jonathan Margheim

Light Design: Jason Marylander

Puppet Design: Jillmarie Peterson

Shadow Puppeteers: Jillmarie Peterson and Micah Speirs

Projection Art: Langdon Foss

Videographer: Oscar Robinson

Technical Director: Michael Miller

House Manager: Keri Pollakoff

Trailer: Steve Emily, David Plambeck, Oscar Robinson

Poster/Lobby Display: Phil Lear

Marketing: Chad Siebert, Steve Emily, Lisa Siebert

Playbill: Christine Vitale

Publicity Photos: Emory John Collinson

Our review in the Colorado Springs Independent